We have discussed earlier, the process of inbound marketing strategy. It begins with bringing user to website making him realise that he might be having a problem or user, who might be looking for some information. This depends upon stage of buyer journey customer is in. also we discussed, this would require an engaging content to make sure that customers stay and using call to action to move him to next stage. But, how will we use this call to action button make sure that we are able to convert this prospect. We will discuss this in detail in this chapter of inbound marketing strategy.

We will discuss how digital marketing strategy can be improved using call to action

using call to action effectively

So how can you convert visitors into leads using CTAs?

Identify Call to Action Goal

You would need to understand, what exactly your goal is. You will need to have a look, at Get a better understanding of your sales channel and recognize where the visitor is most likely to be in the sales cycle when they visit your website. Then, now you can identify the action you want from your visitor to take. Suppose, you want them to download pdf, or you want them to call you etc. you would need to know what, exactly you want from CTA button on the content page.

Know your Target Audience

Understand, who can be a potential target for your conversion. If you are selling ladies sandals which are trendy, you might want to target woman age group of 18-35 of your location. The more you narrow the target, the better the conversion rate would be.

Make it Simple

Keep the entire process simple and uncomplicated. The user comes to your website, gets information on the content page and just clicks on call to action. This way both of you will be happy. Considering the above example, user reads information about different styles and sizes of sandals and selects the one which she likes the most and that is a convert!

Make it Noticeable

Make your CTA noticeable to your audience. So, that as soon as they see it they are attracted towards clicking on it.

Test for best Call to Action

Use A/B testing. Try to figure out which location works best for your call to action button. This will help in getting you more converts.

Use Analytics

Try to find out who are clicking on your CTA, from which medium they come, what information they might be seeking etc. Do a thorough analysis of everything. Keep a track of everything and how people are finding your page using analytics.

For learning and reading more about improving effectiveness of Call to Action strategy, can you visit inbound marketing certification course. If you need any information from the best decision marketing company in Delhi you can contact The Buzz Stand Team.