For a successful social media strategy, we need to make sure that we target the right audience and at the right time. This gives rise to the relevance of targeting people at a specific stage of buyer journey and taking it to the next level.  This will make our task easier to generate traffic. There is no point in targeting customer, who is not seeking for a solution or does not have a problem and therefore might not look at your product. We will discuss about this in detail in this chapter.


We will discuss how buyer journey can actually help you bring more customers and improve your digital marketing strategy

Building social media content according to buyer journey

 Aligning social media content with first stage of buyer journey

We know that, first stage of buyer journey deals with helping user know that there exists a problem which he might be facing and he should look at a solution for that. This can be done easily with the help of social media. You can create content and help the audience know the problem they might be actually facing. For example, let’s consider your audience might have problem with shoes which are not comfortable for them you can write engaging content around it, and help them realize that they actually have a problem on their hands. This is the first stage. Then, through social media you help them realize the problem, you can actually move them to the next stage


 Targeting second stage of buyer journey from social media content

The second stage of buyer journey is about realizing the problem and seeking a solution for it. Customer would now be looking at finding the best possible solution for the problem he has at his hands. You can target this customer by sharing content on social media where effective call to action buttons. You could have buttons which can contain your phone number, downloadable PDF content, link to a form, link to buying page etc.

Targeting the users, who are in the second stage of buyer journey would involve making sure that you have effective call to action buttons. Not only your content but your page as well should have it.

When targeting through ads, make sure that the audience is of second stage only. You can do this by adjusting your ads targeting. Sites like Facebook and Twitter allow you to target audience my interest. You can simply tell someone who is looking for a solution and more interested in product or services like yours.


 Targeting users who have made a decision


The third stage of buyer journey, deals with when customer has found this solution and made up his mind to buy. These are the customers who can have the highest conversion rate for your business. Using analytics, you can easily find out people who are actually interested in your business and have made up their mind. You can then create content specifically for these kinds of users. Or you can simply show them a post, that they should buy it as soon as possible or maybe a special coupon for them. Use your marketing skills here and get a conversion. This is the best chance you have, do not lose it as the customer has already made up his mind.

 The content should be made for all type of customers, but remember it works like a funnel. If you have 100 people for first stage, only 20 will move to second stage and only 2 to conversion. Design your social media content keeping this in mind

For learning and reading more, about inbound marketing strategy, you can visit inbound marketing certification course. For any help or information from the best digital marketing company in Delhi you can contact The Buzz Stand Team.