We will discuss about how blog promotion can help in creating an effective digital marketing strategy

Blog Promotion

We have been discussing about how to write blog and what to blog about. But, after we have written the content we need to make sure, our audience gets visibility. In order to do so we will have to look at various promotion options available be it social media presence, email marketing, tapping into your network, PR release etc. These are methods you would like to use in order to make sure, that you are able to reach more audience. This is something which is different from your organic traffic. This traffic will be through promotions. In this chapter of inbound marketing certification course, we will be having a look at it in greater detail.

Leveraging your website

When you have a blog, you will be promoting your website. But, to promote your blog you will need to have a presence on website too. It is pretty simple, the traffic that comes to your website, show them your blog as a tool, so that they can gain information and learn more about something they might want to know. When, they have gained information move these people from your blog, to website so that they can make purchases. This way you will be leveraging blog traffic as well as website traffic, and would be moving user to right place something he might be looking for, something related to his buyer journey.

Using Social Media

Combining social media with blog, is one of the great alternatives you would be having. Use your accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram to show the audience, that you have written something that will be helpful and informative and show them that your business is solving a problem which they might have.

My person experience says that, 1 out of 10 persons click a post who view it on Facebook and Twitter. So, if 10 people have impressions, 1 would click at it. This number can increase up to 4 – 5 if you have a topic which is pretty unique, engaging and matches the trend.

Email Marketing

Though email marketing, resembles the cold calling you do through telephones and an email can irk the customer as well if received by a customer who doesn’t like the post. In order to make sure email reaches the right person and platform, we will need to make sure that campaign is executed in a good manner. Email marketing works well when you email customers who visited your site or might have subscribe to your blog. This way you are able to target customers in a better way.

Using own network

You might be having friends, family members, colleagues who might come out to rescue you with this. Using own network would mean, you would inform them about the content you posted on blog and ask them share it further with people they name and ask them to do this too. This way you will be creating a network which will help your blog to spread.

Press Release

You might want to inform any information about your product or service through a press release. Suppose, you might have added a feature in one of your products and you give a press release. Now this press release would be shared with media agencies and if one of them covers your business that will mean publicity and traffic to your website which is good for your business. There are websites where you can submit press releases and these would automatically get noticed by Media.


For learning, more about making blogging effective you can visit other chapters of inbound marketing certification course. For any help or information on inbound marketing strategy, you can contact The Buzz Stand Team.