Relation of content writing with digital marketing strategy

How content writing fits into inbound marketing strategy

In the previous chapter of inbound marketing certification, we defined content and also discussed how this content marketing strategy overlaps with SEO strategy. Both of them form an important part of inbound marketing strategy. Content is related to every element of inbound marketing and we will discuss in detail how and why it is so?

Association of Content Marketing Strategy with Social media marketing

Content marketing strategy is connected to your social media marketing. You need to have excellent content to make it go viral and reach the masses through social media.

For example – You have a social media channel that produce viral video. Now your social media will not work till, you are producing good content. Hence, it acts like a backbone here.

Association of Content Marketing Strategy with SEO strategy

We have already discussed about this in our chapter on content marketing strategy. SEO strategy requires great content to succeed. There is a weightage of page experience that can be achieved only if you have great content for your site.

Content Marketing Strategy with Blog

We know that we need informative and unique content for our blog. This is because users only want that when they visit your post, they get some information and that information should be unique. That is why, Google also uses its AI in such a manner that it penalizes sites that don’t have unique content. Also, it promotes sites that have better user page experience.

Similarly, not only these contents has to form the base of your inbound marketing strategy. It’s not that I am saying not to focus on other parts, but what I am trying to say is to make your inbound marketing strategy effective each part of it content, SEO , social media marketing, blogging, linking etc have to do well.

For learning and reading further you can check out our inbound marketing certification course. For any help or information on content marketing strategy you can contact The Buzz Stand Team.